Chiesa della Concezione e Sala del Crocifisso

Temporary closure due to earthquake damage

Convento di Colfano

Temporary closure due to earthquake damage

This convent is located near the town of Camporotondo, on the eastern side of Carufo seismic area (594 masl). It seems a silent observer of the town’s daily life.

Chiesa di S. Maria di Carufo

Temporary closure due to earthquake damage

Inside is a painting depicting the Virgin (1299) and frescoes, depicting scenes from the Old and New Testament, dating back the 16th century.

Chiesa di S. Francesco

Temporary closure due to earthquake damage

It is the church of the Convent of Colfano (see Convento di Colfano). Inside is an altarpiece depicting Our Lady of Devotion by Nobilis De Luca (panel painting, 1490).

La Portarella

This was a minor gate to the city and it still preserves traces of the drawbridge.

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